What’s new

Get a preview of our new platform—made for the way you trade. All you need is your existing TradingBlock account.

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Made for the way you trade


Customize your own dashboards

Our new TradingBlock platform gives you nearly unlimited flexibility in designing dashboard layouts. Add and drag blocks to access and view information based on how you trade or what you want to do. Keep it as simple or as complex as you want. It’s all up to you.

You can even create and view as many dashboards as you want (in multiple browser tabs). Start from one of our templates or from a blank canvas—the choice is yours.


Trade with confidence

We’re making complex tasks easier. Our Order block is designed for simplicity and efficiency. Entering simple stock or complex option trades is a breeze. Create a custom order or use one of the pre-built strategy templates.


Chart with best-in-class tools

Our new Chart block offers extensive flexibility with over 100 technical indicators and drawing tools. Customize the timeframe and bar increments you want to view. Expand to view in a full browser to see details up close. Place as many charts as you want on one or more dashboards to quickly track your favorites.

Linking blocks

Seamless workflow

Link multiple blocks together so when you change a symbol all linked blocks update simultaneously. Save time by linking Quote, Chart, Option Chain and Order blocks to quickly evaluate an idea and trade.

Create custom dashboards based on what you want to do and what blocks you want to link: Trade Stocks, Trade Options, etc.


Track your favorites

It takes just one click to add a stock, ETF or option to your Favorites block. Track as many symbols as you like, and when you’re ready, simply click the Trade button to enter a new trade.

Login to the new TradingBlock platform using your current TradingBlock account login credentials.

How do I…

Consult the tip sheet below to get simple instructions for achieving the most commonly-needed tasks on the new platform.

Place a trade

Use any Trade block on any of your dashboards to place a trade. You may add a Trade block to your dashboard in one of two ways: From the main navigation bar, click the Trade icon or click the square “+” icon and select Trade.

When entering an options trade directly into the Trade block, select the strategy you’d like to trade and adjust the quantity, expiration and strike information as desired.

After selecting your order type and price, click Preview when ready to place the trade. Review the order details for correctness and then click Send order. The live order will be viewable on the Activity block.

View my account balance

View current account and cash balances with the Balance block. To add to your dashboard, from the main navigation bar, click the square “+” icon and select Balance.

See account statements and forms

Log into the legacy TradingBlock platform to access monthly statements, trade confirms, and tax documents. These functions will be migrated to the new TradingBlock platform soon.

Add a new dashboard

Click the Dashboards icon in the top-left corner. From the Dashboard home page, you can view existing dashboards or create a new one. Simply click on any existing dashboard to view it.

To create a new dashboard from a blank canvas, click “+ Add Custom Board”. You can also select one of the Starter Board templates and then modify it as you wish. Whatever changes you make are saved automatically.

Add a new block to a dashboard

When viewing a dashboard, click the square “+” icon from the main navigation bar. You will see a list of all currently available blocks. Click the desired block icon to add that function to your current dashboard.

Move, resize or remove blocks

Each block has its own menu, accessible via the three-dot icon in each block’s upper right-hand corner. From the menu, select “Move block” and drag any block to your desired location on the current dashboard. Other menu features include the ability to change block-specific settings or to delete the block from the dashboard. (Don’t worry, you can always add a block back if you delete one by mistake).

Shortcut: On a desktop computer, a block also becomes movable when you hover over the block title and it becomes underlined. And you can resize a block by clicking and holding its lower right corner and dragging it to your desired size.

Link or unlink blocks

Blocks that can be linked have a white chain icon near the top-right part of the block. The chain icon will open a menu to link a block, or if already linked, to unlink it. If you don’t wish to link any block, simply hit the “Esc” key on your keyboard to exit. For added convenience, you can also highlight linked blocks.

Add to favorites

To add an equity or option symbol to your Favorites watchlist, simply click the “Star” icon on any block. The symbol will be automatically added to the Favorites block. You can also type equity or option symbols directly into the Favorites block as well.
